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Mini Coach or Limousine: Which is Better for Your Event?

renting a mini coach
Do you have a family gathering, wedding, bachelorette party, or some other big event coming up? Do you need some transportation services to help cart everyone around? Well, you may be debating between which type of vehicle to invest in. Renting a mini coach is a solid option, but limousine rentals are known for offering a fun and luxurious time, as well.
So, which is best for you? Learn more about each below to help you along this decision-making process.
All About Mini Coaches
Thinking of renting a mini coach? A mini coach is great because it allows your group to easily stay together, while giving everyone the space they need to be comfortable. There will be plenty of room to stretch out, and you can typically fit more people in one than you can a limousine.
Mini bus rentals are also great because you can move around from seat to seat and chat with different people. Again, the ability to move about more freely is a definite plus, and most rentals will allow you to bring certain types of food and drink, making the outing that much more enjoyable.
The one downside is that it does not quite make that sophisticated impression that limousine rentals are known for. If you are leaning more towards a limo rental for your event, then learn more about them now.
All About Limousines
Although not quite as spacious as a bus, limousines are known for their style. Around half of limo services during the week are used for more high-end purposes, serving mostly business and corporate customers.
If you did want both style and space, you will probably need to shell out a few more dollars on a luxury limo service. One with a bunch of amenities is not cheap. You could invest in something with a swimming pool, bed, jacuzzi, and helipad, like Jay Ohrberg’s 1997 model, but that is probably out of most people’s budget range.
That being said, most modern limousines can seat quite a few people comfortably, and there is no doubt we have come a long ways from the first limousines that could only seat four.
All in all, both options provide you with the ability to keep your group together, so that you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your day. Whether you are renting a mini coach or riding in a limousine, you will not have to worry about getting off route or losing half of the people you are with because one professional driver will be handling it all.
So, what are you waiting for? Invest in your rental today.
