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Car Service Vs. Ride Share: Why Private Rentals Win Out

baltimore sedan services
The digital age is one of convenience. Everyone wants the easiest option โ€” even if they have to make other sacrifices as a result. Unfortunately, a lot of people learn the hard way that, in some cases, the traditional route can be better overall. Thereโ€™s a reason why our Baltimore sedan services have and continue to endure the test of time. Even though ride sharing apps like Uber and Lyft have become extremely popular, there are still several reasons why going with a car service is better for both the customer and for local businesses.

Why Choose Baltimore Sedan Services Over Ride Shares?

  • A Safer Experience
    When you hire a sedan cab service to serve your professional or personal needs, you can rest assured that you will be protected on the road. Although Uber drivers are subject to background checks, that doesnโ€™t mean these third-party examinations are foolproof. In fact, theyโ€™re far more likely to miss instances of criminal activity than checks that are executed by government agencies. In addition, Uberโ€™s criminal history window is quite small, meaning that there may be drivers out there that have committed crimes. The same cannot be said of car service employees. Car services also take responsibility for their employees, whereas ride sharing services treat drivers as independent contractors; this removes legal liability and essentially leaves the customer to fend for themselves. Hiring a private car service provides peace of mind and a higher level of professionalism overall.


  • Better Customer Service
    Ride hailing companiesย mayย do some damage control after an incident โ€” and thatโ€™s about it. If an incident occurs during your ride or your driver never shows up, you may never actually get a satisfactory answer for it. Uber and Lyft are not known for their stellar customer service; in many cases, they may throw up their hands and exclaim that the issues are not their problem. And if theyย doย take action, itโ€™s only because the customer had a subpar experience first. Baltimore sedan services, on the other hand, make customer service an integral part of the business model. We set the bar far higher and make it our mission to ensure our customers are happy throughout the entire process. Not only does this prevent situations from going awry, but it also ensures that if they ever do, weโ€™ll bend over backward to make it right.


  • Support For Local Businesses
    Sure, scheduling a ride via Uber or Lyft requires virtually no thought. But you may also want to consider where your money is actually going when you evaluate your ground transportation options. When you choose a ride share, youโ€™re supporting a huge corporation that doesnโ€™t do a thing to protect its drivers or even compensate them fairly. A lot of drivers who work as contractors for these companies can barely make enough to scrape by. But when you contract Baltimore sedan services, youโ€™re supporting a local, thriving business that takes pride in its vehicles and in the quality of its drivers. Ultimately, that puts money back into the surrounding community and helpsย otherย businesses succeed, too.


  • Higher Car Quality
    If you rent a limo, you know youโ€™ll automatically be getting a stylish vehicle โ€” even if you arenโ€™t renting the fastest, most impressive limousine on earth (which can hit 170 miles per hour and measures 20 feet long). But thatโ€™s true if you go with a car service, as well. Because we take full responsibility for the upkeep of our cars and purchase quality models, youโ€™ll enjoy a smooth ride and can keep employees and clients happy. Scheduling an Uber ride is a total gamble; since drivers use their personal vehicles, you really donโ€™t know what kind of experience youโ€™re going to get. Do you really want an important investor being taken around in a beat-up Jeep, having to make conversation with an odd-ball driver? We didnโ€™t think so.

Although there are a few advantages to ride sharing, thereโ€™s little doubt that Baltimore sedan services offer a higher quality ride and overall experience. For more information on how our car services can help your business, please contact us today.


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